2025 Schedule

All meetings begin at 7:00pm

23rd January

Executive Committee

Methodist Hall


21st March (Thurs)

Executive Committee

Methodist Hall


10th April (Weds)


Methodist Hall


26th June (Thurs)

Executive Committee

Methodist Hall


September (Thurs)(TBC)

Executive Committee

Methodist Hall


November (Thurs)(TBC)

Executive Committee

Methodist Hall


Minutes of previous meetings available here when approved by the Committee

2024 AGM Report (unapproved)

Current issues under discussion by the Committee

Readers Comments (1)

  1. Thank you for contacting us.
    Unfortunately, it is not within the MRA’s remit or ability to sort out the problem, although we regularly exercise our concerns to the relevant authorities.
    The barmier behaviour seems to occur when the gap in the academic year coincides with balmier weather. This activity often takes the form of cheeky banter, but has also deteriorated into significant cycle stupidity and threat to traders, so far perceived rather than executed.
    The issue of Anti-Social behaviour has historically not been a problem for the ‘Village’ part of the Ward but has, in the past been a bigger problem in the Kimmeridge area, and has often been dealt with by the Police. This is regularly discussed at the Community Advisory Panel which is the more appropriate body to deal with this type of matter. It is also discussed, as the need arises, at MRA committee meetings which are frequently attended by Councillors and representatives of the local Metropolitan Police. Indeed, the minutes of the Committee meeting for last September (230-1) report similar activity last year, and the police response. If they are not in attendance, we have ready access to our local officers.
    We are somewhat hampered by our location at the junction of Boroughs. Mottingham Road falls under the jurisdiction of Bromley, whilst Court Road is in Greenwich. This can contribute to a degree of reluctance from either borough or police to intervene.

    If you feel you want to make a personal complaint or contribution to the debate, we advise that you contact as many of the local council or police teams as you feel appropriate. Names and links to the 5 relevant Ward Councillors and both police authorities can be found on the “Local Services” page of the http://www.yourmra.org website.

    The MRA Committee will continue to raise the issue with the authorities as the need arises.

    The MRA annual subscription is £2.50 per household. We try to keep members informed through newsletters and the website where the minutes are published. All members are encouraged to participate further by attending or joining the Committee.

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