Readers Comments (43)

  1. Could you lease put a piece in the newsletter about fly tipping. It is fly tipping to leave unwanted items on the pavement or grass verges outside your house. This seems to have become a trend on Grove a Park Road. We have a mirrored cabinet and an office chair currently on view and causing the pavement to become a hazard for walkers, mobility scooters and pushchairs. I have reported both on Love Clean Streets and Littergram.

    • Hello Rosemary
      Might I suggest you try “Fix My Street” on the COUNCILS page of the website ?
      I have had remarkable success with this and very prompt replies from Bromley.
      One of our local ward councillors lives in Grove Park road, and may be of assistance.
      Good luck
      Richard Webmaster

      • I am going to bcontact Bromley Council re the empty house on the bend near the roundabout in Grove Park Road. It has been empty for mire than 25 years. The front garden is covered in brambles and the fence has disintegrated. Do you know anything about this house before I contact the Council? Thanks.

        • As far as we know, this house is still in private ownership.
          We agree that this is a sad situation for a very nice property.

  2. Hi we are home owners on West Park. We are wondering who has started keeping farming yard animals- particularly the cockerel that disturbs our sleep everyday. We are young professional with stressful jobs and its yoo hot to keep tge windows closed. Could we please ask the owner to get rid of it before this becomes someones cockerel soup.

    • Hello Gurbani

      In reply to your comment regarding chicken nuisance.
      I am not sure that there is anything the MRA can do for you apart from sympathise.
      I would suggest that you contact one of the Greenwich Ward councillors to see if there is anything that they can do or advise.
      Yours faithfully
      Richard MRA Webmaster.

      • Hi
        I live in Mottingham and use the park on Grove Park Road. I am very concerned about the litter being left in the park recently worse is last night I went for walk and there was several broken beer bottles on the actual lawn . How dangerous is that if children cut themselves.
        Also people are taking their dogs for walk and not picking up the litter.
        Also the start of the woods by the park there is lots of litter wood and car parts tipped there.
        Could you please look into this as the park is provided for the residents use to enjoy and should be safe and clean.
        Thank you

        • Thanks for your comment.
          I suggest that you contact David Cartwright at the Council as he is also a very close neighbour.
          The kids on mopeds has been a long-standing problem which is a police issue, but the Council also has an input. In the past, the police have said that they cannot catch, identify or prosecute the perpetrators. Photo or video would help.

    • Can some pressure be brought to bear on the Headmaster of Eltham college regarding the irresponsible driving by some of the pupils around the village. The residents of Mottingham lane put up with gridlock twice a day and now we have the youngsters driving dangerously.

      • Thank you for your contact.
        I would suggest you e-mail the Headmaster at [email protected]
        We have been active in the past in persuading Bromley Council to make some adjustments to street marking and furniture in Mottingham Lane. We would like more, and are in support of the College’s proposal to restrict parental vehicular access to the School from Mottingham Lane. During the course of this, there has been discussion regarding parental driving habits in Mottingham Lane, but understandably, the school has limited influence in that respect. However, he should have more redress in the case of pupils’ activity.

  3. Fed up with Heathrow and London City Airport planes flying over this area. They are noisy and polluting. Bad for our health and well-being. The City planes fly on a Concentrated Flight path which is resulting in a noise ghetto – flights should be spread over a much wider area.

  4. The Greenwich Council, on an appeal, has granted an application (the property is near to completion) for an 8 bed HMO in Bowmead, Mottingham.
    It is a quiet road and has controlled parking during the week. There is no facility for 8 cars to be parked on the property.

    • MRA Webmaster May 15, 2018 @ 2:55 pm

      Having discussed with our planning experts, I have learned that :
      The 6 bed HMO was a follow up application from the original 8 bed which Greenwich refused.
      They appealed for the 8 & won so the 6 bed was allowed to lapse.
      It is worth noting that it is the National Planning Inspectorate which makes the appeal decisions, and not Greenwich Council.


  5. Can u help. I live in Lavidge. My neighbour has embarked on a frenzy of building, each step by stealth (no consultation).Firstly they built a single brick ‘house’ at the bottom of the garden. Secondly a massive loft conv. Thirdly a brick extension on back of house. Leaving the the garden half its original size. Houses backing onto the property now have a real eye-sore of a view. There are 8 adults and 3 children currently there and maybe more? I wonder how the 1930’s drains/sewer will cope. But my real frustration is the lack of advance warning or ability to comment on such drastic changes. Greenwich have had complaints since January but seem oblivious. Is there anything I can do at this late stage ??

    Kind regards – Michelle Bond/Kitley

    • Suggest you contact your ward councillor John Hills (see Councils page).
      Have also forwarded your comment to our planning team.

      • Thank you – We are today told that Greenwich are sending someone to photo and check on the new structures. So hopefully this will be sorted out officially. Thank you for your help and will let you know the outcome. Regards

  6. Hi there,

    Just received a flyer from Liddle asking us to support the Porcupine development.

    We are against it, mostly for safety reasons and also because we think it is unneccessary.

    Is it better for us to complete and return it as a “no” or just bin it (which was our first instinct?


    • Hi Lucy
      We have received one too, but we do not know how wide is the distribution.
      The MRA is committed to supporting the views of its members, but has, in the past, been opposed to the Lidl development, mainly on traffic safety grounds, but also as inappropriate development, and loss of local amenities.

      We would suggest you contact Ted Rowlands at the Porcupine Development Committee ([email protected]) and offer your services.


      • Can the MRA set up an opposition to lidl mottingham petition on that we can all sign up please

        • Hi Ian
          The MRA Executive Committee is awaiting the official planning process in order to properly represent the arguments. If you are a member of the MRA, you would be welcome to come to the next executive meeting at which I am sure this will be discussed.

    • I think you should complete the form. If those against just bin it then the results can be skewed in Lidl’s favour.

  7. This page shows very biased views against Lidl. There were comments supporting the development showing on here recently but they seem to have disappeared? If the comments page is there to represent the views of Mottingham residents all views are relevant and should be showed. There is a lot of support for a Lidl food store in Mottingham, a boost to local economy, provide a good choice of fresh food at a good price and also some jobs for people.

    • The comments received have not been filtered in any way to date.

      You are correct that the MRA has a duty to represent the views of residents, but the MRA’s representative view has to be influenced by those who correspondingly support the MRA in all its activities.
      The ACV declaration was assigned by Bromley Council in response to a request by not only the MRA, and was supported by all local councillors and the MP, and other bodies such as CAMRA.

      The first listed reason for Bromley council’s refusal of planning permission related to traffic and pedestrian safety as a result of their own consultants views. If the revised application is not significantly different, I suspect that the MRA will continue to protect safety in preference to food prices !

      There are already social network sites supporting the Porcupine which have no association with the MRA. The published LiDL documentation invites support for their planning proposals which are, as yet, not submitted.
      The Council’s planning details can be found at :

      All comments received are being published.

  8. Burglaries have started again in Grove Park Rd using access from Eltham College grounds So we all need to be vigilant

  9. Is anyone else fed up with constant bonfires at the allotments at gardeners close

  10. 27/2/2020 In response to your recent letter drop. I have just completed the Survey form on The Dorset Road Infant School website. It is very easy to do and I would encourage anyone with an opinion on the proposed closure of Dorset Road School and amalgamation of pupils with Castlecombe to complete it also. I believe that this is a very bad idea and would be extremely detrimental to our area.

  11. I’m interested in helping out local residents stuck indoors due to self-isolation. Is the MRA already doing anything about this, eg leafleting and collecting names of people who need some help and people who can help out?

  12. I wish to warn fellow Mottinghham residents about a firm of rogue traders based in SE9. I was recently victim of pressured sales tactics, being over charged, and shoddy work being done. These cowboys trade as SJC Services and operate as window cleaners, describe themselves as landscape and gardening “professionals”, paving , patio and roofing works, painting, cleaning, decking, fencing etc. Please learn from my mistake and DO NOT use this firm, they are truly awful, and are unpleasant and argumentative to boot. Thank you.

  13. Vivienne McLean August 25, 2021 @ 2:57 pm

    I lived in Mottingham Village from 1962 until 1976.
    I’m trying to find some information on the Felix sisters that ran Mottingham school of music that I attended for 10 years.
    They had 2 properties on Court Farm Road. Not far from Dorset Road but further down from the playing fields & where the rag & bone man used to live.I was wondering if anyone remembers them & attended.

    Kind regards Vivienne McLean

    • Thanks for getting in touch.
      I live very close to what was the house of the Misses Felix.
      I will ask around if there is anyone who recalls them.

    • Delma Gould (nee Botell) October 14, 2022 @ 8:26 pm

      I lived in Mottingham Village from about 1952 to 1970. I was taught piano by the Felix sisters at their music school in Court Farm Road and took part in their concerts. We were also taught the theory of music in an upstairs room on long wooden benches paying attention to a black board. They were an eccentric and very talented couple of sisters. One had auburn hair in impressive ringlets and one had dark hair piled on top of her head. One sister published piano and stringed instrument teaching books under the name of Margery Dawe and I still have these. Moving to Bexley when married, my husband took cello lessons with a lady who was also taught cello by one of the sisters!

  14. Re LIDL
    Below is a copy of my attempted submission.
    The relevant e mail as set out in the latest MRA newsletter is incorrect.
    Grateful for any assistance to get this to relevant authority.
    Many thanks indeed

    Rest of comment deleted – see reply

    • Thanks for the comment Nick.
      I have replied under separate cover since it is not our practice to re-publish individual comments made to planning applications.

      The best link by which to make comments is
      Which is available from the second URL in the Newsletter item.


  15. I was wondering what the plans are for the Royal pub sidcup road. Only it has become such an eyesore when walking pass it everyday. I have tried ringing Greenwich council, but as usual no reply.

    • Thanks for your contact.
      The MRA have been keeping a close eye on this property and discuss it with Greenwich Councillors at our executive meetings.
      It seems that the owners are merely sitting on the property as is their right.
      We think it would make much better sense as residential accommodation rather than the mad proposal for Bridge House.

  16. There has been rubbish left on the walk way of beanshaw chest of draws also a single mattress.its been there a good few weeks now.where it has been left the branches of the trees hang over so it causes the walk way not easy .hazard.

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