Current Committee Topics

Current Discussion Topics by the MRA Committee

Update Meeting held on 12;06;2024

  • Dorset Road Infant School Closure – No further progress

    • Dorset Road site disposal is planned to benefit school Trust.
    • MRA suggestions and opinions sought for future use of site
    • DRIS Update Postings
  • Other Business

    • New Parking scheme for Mottingham Road Shops is now in place and BEING CHARGED
    • Planter decisions awaited
  • Defibrillator(s)

    • Stolen defibrillators have been replaced
    • Now in locked cabinets
    • Installation outside library, Roman Catholic Church and Foxes Field
  • Traffic in West Hallowes and other approaches to A20

    • Discussion still ongoing.
    • New petition in preparation
  • Platinum Jubilee Project

    • Upgrade of hard path around Foxes Field requested by the MRA being installed
    • Upgrading of the Children’s Playground pending.

Please add your comments related to these issues.

Link to previous Committee Minutes

All comments will be moderated by Webmaster

If there are other issues you think ought to be discussed, please submit them to [email protected]

Readers Comments (6)

  1. Thank you for your comment.
    Please see new posting and update on Porcupine Consultation.

  2. The porcupine is an eye sore and should be turned into a Lidl. Turn it into anything that will benefit the community and provide jobs for local residents.

    Area’s grow because of investments from larger companies and not from more Pubs.

    Cramming more housing int an already built up area is ridiculous. Look how bad it looks right by Mottingham station?

    • Joe and Judy Pike November 22, 2018 @ 8:36 am

      Grant Dryden’s comments are so true. A decent food outlet at reasonable prices would bring people to Mottingham to shop. The sad state of the Porcupine site cannot be allowed to continue. We don’t have enough school places for more housing.

  3. The committee is also concerned about the situation, much of which is out of our hands. The shops are empty because the landlord from north London doubled the rent for existing tenants. The shopkeepers declined to unite as we advised. We will be watching the planning applications from Lidl carefully. If you have concerns for Mottingham, please join the Committee which is open to all members. Next meeting this month.

  4. Suggest you contact Cllr Hills at Greenwich Council. (Details on Links Page)

  5. MRA Webmaster May 9, 2019 @ 9:20 am

    Suggest you report on Fix My Street.
    See ‘Links’ – ‘Councils’ Pages on website.
    Any unwanted items left on the pavement counts as ‘Fly Tipping’ and is reportable.

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