Major Planning applications – Greenwich area of Mottingham as at 7th May 2019

Ref/date Address Brief outline/Planning officer
19/1067/CP Registered 609 Sidcup Road SE9 3AG Demolition of existing garage and the erection of a single storey side extension and porch.
10/1182/F Registered 503 Sidcup Road SE9 4ET Demolition of existing rear extension and construction of a part11/part3 storey rear extension, construction of a rear roof extension, formation of four rear balconies, one Juliet balcony and a roof terrace. Landscaping to form 5 individual gardens and bicycle sheds.  The conversion of the property into 5 self contained flats (1 bed duplex 4 x 2bed)
19/1257/HD Registered 17 Leysdown Road SE9 3LY Construction of a single storey rear extension, two storey side extension and front porch.
19/1377/CP Registered 19 Leysdown Rd SE9 3LY Lawful development Certificate (proposed) for a roof extension comprising half gable end, one front rooflight and rear dormer window with Juliet Balcony
18/3898/F Approved The Dutch House, Sidcup Rd SE12 9AL Sub-division of existing pub to create a mixed use  scheme at Ground floor level comprising pub/café and builders merchant’s yard including the creation of a covered yard area together with formation of a loft conversion to create 1 x 2bed and 1 x 3 bed self contained flats on the second floor, retention of the existing first floor residential units, installation of 4 front rooflights and 4 rear rooflights, installation of widows on all elevations and creation of associated residential access, refuse and cycle parking.

Greenwich Planning Applications at: f

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  1. Dutch House Planning Application passed.

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