Major Bromley Planning Applications – Update 12th February 2025

Reference/  addressApplication SummaryValidation dateStatus
22/03152/ELUD 35 Castleton Road LondonSE9 4DDConversion from C3 into HMO (C4)
17 Aug 22Awaiting Decision
19/01865/Full1 Condition 4 Eltham College Grove Park Road London SE9 4QFDetails submitted to discharge conditions in relation to planning permission ref 19/01865/FULL1
Condition 4 – Biodiversity enhancements
22 Sep 21Awaiting Decision
23/04398/PLUD 81 Grove Park Road SE9 4NSDemolition of existing sheds at rear of the garden and erection of outbuilding for incidental family use and enjoyment of dwelling house (Lawful development Certificate proposed)16 NovemberDecided Not Lawful.  Appeal has been lodged, awaiting decision
23/04284/Full1 Flat 6 33 Grove Park Road SE9 4NPLoft Conversion including elevational alterations and installation of roof lights (Combined application with Flat 5 Below)9 NovemberAwaiting Decision
23/04329/FULL1 Flat 5 Grove Park Road SE9 4NPLoft Conversion including elevational alterations and installation of roof lights (Combined application with Flat 6 above)9 NovemberAwaiting Decision
24/02063/PLUD 1 Carters Hill Close SE9 4RSGarden studio for use as a beauty studio Lawful development proposed4 June 2024awaiting decision
24/04656/FULL1  Capel Manor College Mottingham Lane Mottingham London SE12 9AWDemolition of existing glass house and two portacabins, and erection of a two-storey teaching block; landscaping and associated works.17 December 2024Awaiting decision
24/04767/FULL1 The Elms And Land Adjacent Mottingham Lane Mottingham LondonErection of secure storage container for gardening tools09 Jan 2025Awaiting decision
25/00007/TPO Casa Bello 13A Court Farm Road Mottingham London SE9 4JHT1 Oak – Remove.
SUBJECT TO TPO 2964 (31.5.2024)
03 Jan 2025Awaiting decision
25/00205/FULL6 60 Beaconsfield Road Mottingham London SE9 4DPConstruction of a single storey front/side extension.22 Jan 2025Awaiting decision
25/00144/PLUD 75 Beaconsfield Road Mottingham London SE9 4DSSingle storey outbuilding at rear of garden.
20 Jan 2025Awaiting decision
25/00081/FULL1 Scout Hut Court Farm Road Mottingham LondonPart demolition of existing assembly hall building (Use Class F1) and renovation to create 1 No 4-bed dwelling (Use Class C3) with 2 off street parking spaces including formation of vehicle crossover, with associated refuse and cycle store.23 Jan 2025Awaiting decision
25/00348/TPO Mottingham Hall Nursery Mottingham Lane Mottingham London SE9 4RWT4 Ash – Fell to ground level.
T10 Lime – Fell ground level leaving trunk as habitat.
T12 Horse Chestnut – Reduction of apical leader to main crown break and co dominant stem the same point to retain tree.
SUBJECT TO TPO 739 (20.8.1991)
30 Jan 2025Awaiting decision
25/00329/PLUD Greet Mottingham Lane Mottingham London SE9 4RXConversion of garage to a gym and replacement of garage door with bi-fold door and elevational alterations.
31 Jan 2025Awaiting decision