MRA 2024 Constitutional Changes

Background – Need for change of Rules/Constitution

During Covid the committee members did the best they could under the circumstances, but we could not hold an AGM; appoint officers, such as the Chair; approve the accounts or agree the subscription.  This meant that we could not collect subscriptions for a year or more, which did not help our finances.  Those of you who came to the AGM held last year may remember that the Executive Committee were asked to review the Rules.

Having done this work the committee propose that an amended set of Rules be adopted by you, our members, at the 2024 AGM.  The proposed new Rules are attached, you can see a version with tracked changes via the links below.

The principal changes are:

  1. That subscriptions once approved will continue at that rate until changed by the Members in General meeting (Rule 4). This will enable us to continue to collect subscriptions if we are unable to hold an AGM.
  2. That the Executive Committee can ‘meet’ other than in person provided all attending can hear and actively participate in the meeting (Rule 11).
  3. Formally setting out the right for Members to appoint and vote by proxy on any proposed change in the Rules (Rule 24). The introduction of a proxy system will enable all Members to have a say, whether or not they are able to attend the AGM in person.
  4. The introduction of Emergency Procedures should another situation such as the Pandemic arise affecting the operation of the Association (Rule 25).

Changing the Rules quite rightly requires the agreement of a significant number of Members.  In recent years we have not had the required minimum of 50 Members attending the AGM.  As a result of this the Executive Committee has decided to allow Members who want to vote on the rule change (Item 7 on the AGM agenda) who cannot make the AGM on 16 May to appoint someone as a proxy to vote on their behalf. 

Each household counts as one Member and has one vote.  You can appoint a named person who will be at the meeting to vote for you or appoint the Chair of the meeting.  A proxy form is attached, this must be completed and returned to the address given on the form.  Forms must be received a minimum of 48 hours ahead of the AGM and if more than one form is received from a member, the last version received will be the one that is counted.

The new Constitution will be put to the vote of the 2024 AGM on Thursday May 16th

Existing Constitution

Tracked Changes

Proposed New Constitution

Proxy Voting form

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