Major Planning applications – Greenwich area of Mottingham as at 18th November 2024

ReferenceAddressApplication SummaryValidation dateStatusDecision
24/3198/HD43 WEST HALLOWES, ELTHAM, LONDON, SE9 4EYDemolition of existing lean-to garage and replacement with new double storey side return extension with pitched roof that extends beyond existing rear elevation. Introduction of side passage between boundary and property, construction of a single storey rear extension, 3 front rooflights and associated external alterations [Resubmission10 Oct 2024Awaiting Decision 
24/3211/FLAND TO THE REAR OF 28 WEST PARK, ELTHAM, LONDON, SE9 4RQCreation of six (6) new residential units (use Class C3), to the rear of 28 West Park with associated altered access arrangements, landscaping, boundary treatment, cycle and refuse stores7Oct 2024Awaiting Decision 
24/2616/CP43 WEST HALLOWES, ELTHAM, LONDON, SE9 4EYCertificate of Lawfulness (Proposed) is sought for the construction of a hip to gable loft conversion, rear dormer roof extension featuring Juliet balcony, together with the instillation of two rooflights to the front roof slope25 Jul 2024DecidedApproved
24/1767/F284 COURT ROAD, ELTHAM, LONDON, SE9 4TUConversion of the existing upper floor residential unit into two (2) residential units (Use Class C3) and associated external vehicle and cycle storage and external alterations01 Jul 2024DecidedApproved
24/1481/HD43 WEST HALLOWES, ELTHAM, LONDON, SE9 4EYDemolition of existing attached side garage; construction of a two storey side extension that extends beyond existing rear elevation; construction of a hip-to-gable roof extension and a rear dormer extension on the main roof; construction of a single-storey rear extension; alterations to front porch; other associated alterations including the introduction of a side passage between boundary and property17 May 24DecidedRefused
24/1348/CP245 COURT ROAD, ELTHAM, LONDON, SE9 4TQCertificate of Lawfulness (Proposed) is sought for a loft conversion designed to meet permitted development requirements25 Apr 24DecidedRefused
24/0639/CP245 COURT ROAD, ELTHAM, LONDON, SE9 4TQCertificate of Lawfulness (Proposed) is sought for a loft conversion designed to meet permitted development requirements27 Feb 24DecidedRefused-Appeal lodged  
24/0163/HD266 COURT ROAD, ELTHAM, LONDON, SE9 4TY  Construction of a single storey rear extension.19 Jan 24DecidedApproved
23/1950/F  Bridge House, 11 Crossmead SE9 3AAPhased development comprising demolition of existing dwelling and construction of Part 5 and part 3 storey residential develpment with lower ground floor including landscaping, amenity space, cycle parking, refuse and recycling facilities and other associated works30 June 23DecidedRefused
23/3354/HD  375 Sidcup Road E9 4EUDemolition of existing garages and erection of single storey side extension with part flat / part pitch roof16 Oct 23DecidedApproved
23/2657/F  Wood Acre House 201 Court Rd SE9Construction of two storey building comprising four flats (C3 use) (4×1 bed) and associated provision of amenity space and cycle and waste storage2 Oct 23DecidedApproved