Aircraft Noise – London City Expansion HACAN Petition

Information from John Stewart at HACAN – This is not sponsored by the MRA, but we recognise that there are strong views held by individuals who should have the right to respond.

Dear Friends,

The campaign against London City’s expansion plans outlined in its draft Master Plan, currently out for consultation, is gathering pace.  We are getting 10,000 postcards printed which we will be looking to distribute widely.  We are also printing posters and are planning some public meetings.

We will be looking for help to distribute the postcards so will email you when they are ready should you want to help us do so.

We have got a petition against expansion.  We urge you to sign it and to get as many of your friends to do so as possible.  You will find it here:

There are also some public meetings coming up which you may be interested in attending:

26th July: Lewisham East MP Janet Daby is holding a public meeting about noise and flight paths in her constituency on where London City, Heathrow & NATS will be present. For details and tickets:

30th July: 7.30pm – 9pm, Buxton School, Cann Hall Rd, E11 3NN, organised by Cann Hall Area Residents Association, with several other residents associations on City’s expansion proposals. Speakers: London City Airport, John Cryer MP, John Stewart (Chair HACAN East)

10th September: 7.30 – 9.30pm, Waltham Forest Council will be holding a public meeting in Leytonstone Library on Tues to discuss the London City proposals.

You’ll remember that London City in its Master Plan is proposing to: 

  • almost double flight numbers from their current levels;

  • get rid of the 24 hour weekend break when there are no flights

  • bring in more flights early morning and late evening

You can read the Master Plan here:

We have produced a 3 page briefing to help you with your response:

We would urge you to ignore the questions in the consultation form as we believe many of them are leading questions.  Simply email your views to

And, remember, we can still stop these plans!  Nothing has been decided yet.

John Stewart

Chair HACAN East

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